flamedisx package



flamedisx.block_source module

class flamedisx.block_source.Block(source)[source]

Bases: object

One part of a BlockSource model.

For example, P(electrons_detected | electrons_produced).


Add _min and _max for each dimension to d in-place


Re-calculate dimension size and steps differently for any dimensions; will need to override _calculate_dimsizes_special() within a block

_compute(data_tensor, ptensor, **kwargs)[source]

Return (n_batch_events, …dimensions…) tensor


Calculate any additional intenal tensors arising from the use of bonus_dimensions in a block. Override within block


Simulate extra columns in place.

Use the p_accepted column to modify acceptances; do not remove events here.

annotate(d: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)[source]

Add _min and _max for each dimension to d in-place

array_columns: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of columns this block expects to be array-valued

compute(data_tensor, ptensor, **kwargs)[source]
depends_on: Tuple[Tuple[Tuple[str], str]] = ()

Blocks whose result this block expects as an extra keyword argument to compute. Specify as ((block_dims, argument_name), …), where block_dims is the dimensions-tuple of the block, and argument_name the expected name of the compute keyword argument.

dimensions: Tuple[str]

Names of dimensions of the block’s compute result

extra_dimensions: Tuple[Tuple[str, bool]]

Additional dimensions used in the block computation. Label True if they represent an internally contracted hidden variable; these will be added to inner_dimensions so domain tensors are calculated automatically. Label False otherwise; these will be added to bonus_dimensions. Thus, any additional domain tensors utilising them will need calculating via the block overriding _domain_dict_bonus())

frozen_model_functions: Tuple[str] = ()

Frozen model functions defined in this block

gimme(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Shorthand for self.source.gimme, see docs there

gimme_numpy(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Shorthand for self.source.gimme_numpy

model_attributes: Tuple[str] = ()

Additional attributes this Block will furnish the source with. These can be overriden by Source attributes, just like model functions.

model_functions: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of model functions defined in this block


Do any necessary initialization.

Called after the block’s attributes have been properly overriden by source attributes, if specified.

simulate(d: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)[source]
source: flamedisx.source.Source = None

Source the block belongs to

special_model_functions: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of model functions that take an additional first argument (‘bonus arg’) defined in this block; must be a subset of model_functions

class flamedisx.block_source.BlockModelSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flamedisx.source.Source

Source whose model is split over different Blocks


Add columns needed in inference to self.data


Do any final checks on the self.data dataframe, before passing it on to the tensorflow layer.

_differential_rate(data_tensor, ptensor)[source]
_domain_dict(dimensions, data_tensor)[source]
static _find_block(blocks, has_dim: Union[list, tuple, set], exclude: Optional[flamedisx.block_source.Block] = None)[source]

Find a block with a dimension in has_dim, other than the block in exclude. Return (dimensions, b), or raises BlockNotFoundError.


Do a forward simulation of the detector response, using self.data


Custom calulcation of any dimension sizes and steps; override _calculate_dimsizes_special within block

domain(x, data_tensor=None)[source]

Return (n_events, n_x) matrix containing all possible integer values of x for each event.

If x is a final dimension (e.g. s1, s2), we return an (n_events, 1) tensor with observed values – NOT a (n_events,) array!

draw_positions(*args, **kwargs)[source]
extra_dimensions = ()

Additional dimensions used in the block computation; see Block.extra_dimensions for info

initial_dimensions: tuple

Dimensions provided by the first block

model_blocks: tuple

Blocks the source is built from. simulate will be called from first to last, annotate from last to first.


Return mean expected number of events BEFORE efficiencies/response using data for the evaluation of the energy spectra

multiply_block_results(b_dims, b2_dims, r, r2)[source]

Return result of matrix-multiplying two block results :param b_dims: tuple, dimension specification of r :param b2_dims: tuple, dimension specification of r2 :param r: tensor , first block result to be multiplier :param r2: tensor, second block result to be multiplied :return: (dimension specification, tensor) of results

random_truth(n_events, fix_truth=None, **params)[source]

Draw random “deep truth” variables (energy, position)


Return checked fix truth, with extra derived variables if needed

class flamedisx.block_source.FirstBlock(source)[source]

Bases: flamedisx.block_source.Block

The first Block of a source. This is usually an energy spectrum


Add _min and _max for each dimension to d in-place


Simulate extra columns in place.

Use the p_accepted column to modify acceptances; do not remove events here.

dimensions: Tuple[str]

Names of dimensions of the block’s compute result


Return dictionary mapping dimension -> domain

extra_dimensions: Tuple[Tuple[str, bool]]

Additional dimensions used in the block computation. Label True if they represent an internally contracted hidden variable; these will be added to inner_dimensions so domain tensors are calculated automatically. Label False otherwise; these will be added to bonus_dimensions. Thus, any additional domain tensors utilising them will need calculating via the block overriding _domain_dict_bonus())

random_truth(n_events, fix_truth=None, **params)[source]

flamedisx.inference module

flamedisx.likelihood module

class flamedisx.likelihood.LogLikelihood(sources: Union[Dict[str, type], Dict[str, Dict[str, type]]], data: Union[None, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Dict[str, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]] = None, free_rates=None, batch_size=10, max_sigma=None, max_dim_size=120, n_trials=100000, log_constraint=None, bounds_specified=True, progress=True, defaults=None, **common_param_specs)[source]

Bases: object

_filter_source_kwargs(kwargs, source_name)[source]

Return {param: value} dictionary with keyword arguments for source, with values extracted from kwargs

_get_rate_mult(sname, kwargs)[source]
_log_likelihood(i_batch, dsetname, data_tensor, batch_info, omit_grads=(), second_order=False, **params)[source]
_log_likelihood_inner(i_batch, params, dsetname, data_tensor, batch_info)[source]

Return log likelihood contribution of one batch in a dataset

This loops over sources in the dataset and events in the batch, but not not over datasets or batches.


Return index of parameter pname


Return parameter names that apply to source

batch_info: tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor
bestfit(guess=None, fix=None, bounds=None, optimizer='scipy', get_lowlevel_result=False, get_history=False, use_hessian=True, return_errors=False, nan_val=inf, optimizer_kwargs=None, allow_failure=False)[source]

Return best-fit parameter dict

  • guess – Guess parameters: dict {param: guess} of guesses to use. Any omitted parameters will be guessed at LogLikelihood.defaults()

  • fix – dict {param: value} of parameters to keep fixed during the minimzation.

  • optimizer – ‘tf’, ‘minuit’ or ‘scipy’

  • get_lowlevel_result – Returns the full optimizer result instead of the best fit parameters. Bool.

  • get_history – Returns the history of optimizer calls instead of the best fit parameters. Bool.

  • use_hessian – If True, uses flamedisxs’ exact Hessian in the optimizer. Otherwise, most optimizers estimate it by finite- difference calculations.

  • return_errors – If using the minuit minimizer, instead return a 2-tuple of (bestfit dict, error dict). If the optimizer is minuit, you can also pass ‘hesse’ or ‘minos’.

  • allow_failure – If True, raise a warning instead of an exception if there is an optimizer failure.

column_indices: Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]
data_tensors: Dict[str, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]

alias of Dict[str, str]

dsetnames: List
guess() Dict[str, float][source]

Return dictionary of parameter guesses

interval(parameter, **kwargs)[source]

Return central confidence interval on parameter. Options are the same as for limit.

inverse_hessian(params, omit_grads=())[source]

Return inverse hessian (square tensor) of -2 log_likelihood at params

limit(parameter, bestfit=None, guess=None, fix=None, bounds=None, confidence_level=0.9, kind='upper', sigma_guess=None, t_ppf=None, t_ppf_grad=None, t_ppf_hess=None, optimizer='scipy', get_history=False, get_lowlevel_result=False, tilt_overshoot=0.037, optimizer_kwargs=None, use_hessian=True, allow_failure=False)[source]

Return frequentist limit or confidence interval.

Returns a float (for upper or lower limits) or a 2-tuple of floats (for a central interval)

  • parameter – string, the parameter to set the interval on

  • bestfit – {parameter: value} dictionary, global best-fit. If omitted, will compute it using bestfit.

  • guess – {param: value} guess of the result, or None. If omitted, nuisance parameters will be guessed equal to bestfit. If omitted, guess for target parameters will be based on asymptotic parabolic computation.

  • fix – {param: value} to fix during interval computation. Result is only valid if same parameters were fixed for bestfit.

  • confidence_level – Requried confidence level of the interval

  • kind – Type of interval, ‘upper’, ‘lower’ or ‘central’

  • sigma_guess – Guess for one sigma uncertainty on the target parameter. If not provided, will be computed from Hessian.

  • t_ppf – returns critical value as function of parameter Use Wilks’ theorem if omitted.

  • t_ppf_grad – return derivative of t_ppf

  • t_ppf_hess – return second derivative of t_ppf

  • tilt_overshoot – Set tilt so the limit’s log likelihood will overshoot the target value by roughly this much.

  • optimizer_kwargs – dict of additional arguments for optimizer

  • allow_failure – If True, raise a warning instead of an exception if there is an optimizer failure.

  • use_hessian – If True, uses flamedisxs’ exact Hessian in the optimizer. Otherwise, most optimizers estimate it by finite- difference calculations.

log_likelihood(second_order=False, omit_grads=(), **kwargs)[source]
minus2_ll(*, omit_grads=(), **kwargs)[source]
mu(*, source_name=None, dataset_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return expected number of events :param dataset_name: … for just this dataset :param source_name: … for just this source. You must provide either dsetname or source, since it makes no sense to add events from multiple datasets

param_defaults: Dict[str, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]

Return parameter {name: value} dictionary

prepare_params(kwargs, free_all_rates=False)[source]
set_data(data: Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Dict[str, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]])[source]

set new data for sources in the likelihood. Data is passed in the same format as for __init__ Data can contain any subset of the original data keys to only update specific datasets.

simulate(fix_truth=None, **params)[source]

Simulate events from sources.

sources: Dict[str, flamedisx.source.Source]

alias of Dict[str, str]

summary(bestfit=None, fix=None, guess=None, inverse_hessian=None, precision=3)[source]

Print summary information about best fit


Return (std errors, correlation coefficent matrix) given covariance matrix cov

flamedisx.lxe_sources module

class flamedisx.lxe_sources.ERSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flamedisx.block_source.BlockModelSource

final_dimensions: ty.Tuple[str] = ('s1', 's2')

Names of final observable dimensions (e.g. s1, s2) for use in domain / cross-domain

initial_dimensions: tuple

Dimensions provided by the first block

model_blocks: tuple = (<class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.energy_spectrum.FixedShapeEnergySpectrum'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_generation.MakeERQuanta'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_splitting.MakePhotonsElectronsBetaBinomial'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectPhotons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.double_pe.MakeS1Photoelectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS1'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectElectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS2'>)

Blocks the source is built from. simulate will be called from first to last, annotate from last to first.

no_step_dimensions: ty.Tuple[str] = ()

inner_dimensions excluded from variable stepping logic, i.e. for which the domain is always a single interval of integers

static p_electron(nq, *, er_pel_a=15, er_pel_b=- 27.7, er_pel_c=32.5, er_pel_e0=5.0)[source]

Fraction of ER quanta that become electrons Simplified form from Jelle’s thesis

class flamedisx.lxe_sources.NRSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flamedisx.block_source.BlockModelSource

energies = <tf.Tensor: shape=(100,), dtype=float32, numpy= array([  0.7      ,   2.2080808,   3.7161617,   5.224242 ,   6.732323 ,          8.240404 ,   9.748485 ,  11.256566 ,  12.764647 ,  14.272727 ,         15.780808 ,  17.28889  ,  18.79697  ,  20.305052 ,  21.813133 ,         23.321213 ,  24.829294 ,  26.337376 ,  27.845455 ,  29.353537 ,         30.861618 ,  32.369698 ,  33.87778  ,  35.38586  ,  36.89394  ,         38.402023 ,  39.910103 ,  41.418182 ,  42.926266 ,  44.434345 ,         45.942425 ,  47.45051  ,  48.958588 ,  50.466667 ,  51.97475  ,         53.48283  ,  54.99091  ,  56.498993 ,  58.007072 ,  59.515152 ,         61.023235 ,  62.531315 ,  64.03939  ,  65.54747  ,  67.05556  ,         68.56364  ,  70.07172  ,  71.579796 ,  73.087875 ,  74.595955 ,         76.10404  ,  77.61212  ,  79.1202   ,  80.62828  ,  82.13636  ,         83.64444  ,  85.15253  ,  86.66061  ,  88.168686 ,  89.676765 ,         91.184845 ,  92.692924 ,  94.20101  ,  95.70909  ,  97.21717  ,         98.72525  , 100.23333  , 101.74142  , 103.2495   , 104.757576 ,        106.265656 , 107.773735 , 109.281815 , 110.7899   , 112.29798  ,        113.80606  , 115.31414  , 116.82222  , 118.3303   , 119.83839  ,        121.346466 , 122.854546 , 124.362625 , 125.870705 , 127.378784 ,        128.88687  , 130.39494  , 131.90303  , 133.41112  , 134.91919  ,        136.42728  , 137.93535  , 139.44344  , 140.9515   , 142.4596   ,        143.96768  , 145.47575  , 146.98384  , 148.49191  , 150.       ],       dtype=float32)>
final_dimensions: ty.Tuple[str] = ('s1', 's2')

Names of final observable dimensions (e.g. s1, s2) for use in domain / cross-domain

initial_dimensions: tuple

Dimensions provided by the first block

model_blocks: tuple = (<class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.energy_spectrum.FixedShapeEnergySpectrum'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_generation.MakeNRQuanta'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_splitting.MakePhotonsElectronsBinomial'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectPhotons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.double_pe.MakeS1Photoelectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS1'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectElectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS2'>)

Blocks the source is built from. simulate will be called from first to last, annotate from last to first.

no_step_dimensions: ty.Tuple[str] = ()

inner_dimensions excluded from variable stepping logic, i.e. for which the domain is always a single interval of integers

static p_electron(nq, *, alpha=1.28, zeta=0.045, beta=0.02457, gamma=0.0141, delta=0.062, drift_field=120)[source]

Fraction of detectable NR quanta that become electrons, slightly adjusted from Lenardo et al.’s global fit (https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.4417). Penning quenching is accounted in the photon detection efficiency.

rates_vs_energy = <tf.Tensor: shape=(100,), dtype=float32, numpy= array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],       dtype=float32)>
class flamedisx.lxe_sources.SpatialRateERSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flamedisx.lxe_sources.ERSource

initial_dimensions: tuple

Dimensions provided by the first block

model_blocks: tuple = (<class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.energy_spectrum.SpatialRateEnergySpectrum'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_generation.MakeERQuanta'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_splitting.MakePhotonsElectronsBetaBinomial'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectPhotons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.double_pe.MakeS1Photoelectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS1'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectElectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS2'>)

Blocks the source is built from. simulate will be called from first to last, annotate from last to first.

class flamedisx.lxe_sources.SpatialRateNRSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flamedisx.lxe_sources.NRSource

initial_dimensions: tuple

Dimensions provided by the first block

model_blocks: tuple = (<class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.energy_spectrum.SpatialRateEnergySpectrum'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_generation.MakeNRQuanta'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_splitting.MakePhotonsElectronsBinomial'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectPhotons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.double_pe.MakeS1Photoelectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS1'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectElectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS2'>)

Blocks the source is built from. simulate will be called from first to last, annotate from last to first.

class flamedisx.lxe_sources.WIMPSource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flamedisx.lxe_sources.NRSource

initial_dimensions: tuple

Dimensions provided by the first block

model_blocks: tuple = (<class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.energy_spectrum.WIMPEnergySpectrum'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_generation.MakeNRQuanta'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.quanta_splitting.MakePhotonsElectronsBinomial'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectPhotons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.double_pe.MakeS1Photoelectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS1'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.detection.DetectElectrons'>, <class 'flamedisx.lxe_blocks.final_signals.MakeS2'>)

Blocks the source is built from. simulate will be called from first to last, annotate from last to first.

flamedisx.source module

class flamedisx.source.ColumnSource(data=None, batch_size=10, max_sigma=None, max_dim_size=120, data_is_annotated=False, _skip_tf_init=False, _skip_bounds_computation=False, fit_params=None, progress=False, **params)[source]

Bases: flamedisx.source.Source

Source that expects precomputed differential rate in a column, and precomputed mu in an attribute

_differential_rate(data_tensor, ptensor)[source]
column = 'rename_me!'

Name of the data column containing the precomputed differential rate

estimate_mu(n_trials=None, **params)[source]

Return estimate of total expected number of events :param n_trials: Number of events to simulate for estimate

mu = 42.0

Expected events for this source


Return mean expected number of events BEFORE efficiencies/response using data for the evaluation of the energy spectra

random_truth(n_events, fix_truth=None, **params)[source]

Draw random “deep truth” variables (energy, position)

class flamedisx.source.Source(data=None, batch_size=10, max_sigma=None, max_dim_size=120, data_is_annotated=False, _skip_tf_init=False, _skip_bounds_computation=False, fit_params=None, progress=False, **params)[source]

Bases: object


Add columns needed in inference to self.data


Do any final checks on the self.data dataframe, before passing it on to the tensorflow layer.

_differential_rate(data_tensor, ptensor)[source]
_fetch(x, data_tensor=None)[source]

Return a tensor column from the original dataframe (self.data) :param x: column name :param data_tensor: Data tensor, columns as in self.column_index

_fetch_param(param, ptensor)[source]
static _overwrite_fixed_truths(data, fix_truth, n_events)[source]

Replaces all columns in data with fix_truth.

Careful: ensure mutual constraints are accounted for first! (e.g. fixing energy for a modulating WIMP has consequences for the time distribution.)


Set self.data_tensor to a big tensor of shape: (n_batches, events_per_batch, n_columns_in_data_tensor)

_set_temporarily(data, **kwargs)[source]

Set data and/or defaults temporarily, without affecting the data tensor state


Do a forward simulation of the detector response, using self.data


Add additional columns to data


data – pandas DataFrame

annotate_data(data, **params)[source]

Add columns to data with inference information

array_columns: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of array-valued data columns

batched_differential_rate(progress=True, **params)[source]

Return numpy array with differential rate for all events.

bonus_dimensions: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of dimensions of hidden variables for which dimsize calculations are NOT done here (but in user-defined code) but for which we DO track _min and _dimsizes

cap_dimsizes(dim, cap)[source]
cross_domains(x, y, data_tensor)[source]

Return (x, y) two-tuple of (n_events, n_x, n_y) tensors containing possible integer values of x and y, respectively.

data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None

The fully annotated event data

default_max_sigma = 3
differential_rate(data_tensor=None, autograph=True, **kwargs)[source]
domain(x, data_tensor=None)[source]

Return (n_events, n_x) matrix containing all possible integer values of x for each event.

If x is a final dimension (e.g. s1, s2), we return an (n_events, 1) tensor with observed values – NOT a (n_events,) array!

estimate_mu(n_trials=100000, **params)[source]

Return estimate of total expected number of events :param n_trials: Number of events to simulate for estimate

final_dimensions: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of final observable dimensions (e.g. s1, s2) for use in domain / cross-domain

frozen_model_functions: Tuple[str] = ()

Model functions whose results should be evaluated once per event, then stored with the data. For example, non-tensorflow functions. Note these cannot have any fittable parameters.

gimme(fname, *, data_tensor=None, ptensor=None, bonus_arg=None, numpy_out=False)[source]

Evaluate the model function fname with all required arguments

  • fname – Name of the model function to compute

  • bonus_arg – If fname takes a bonus argument, the data for it

  • numpy_out – If True, return (tuple of) numpy arrays, otherwise (tuple of) tensors.

  • data_tensor – Data tensor, columns as self.column_index If not given, use self.data (used in annotate)

  • ptensor – Parameter tensor, columns as self.param_id If not given, use defaults dictionary (used in annotate) Before using gimme, you must use set_data to populate the internal caches.

gimme_numpy(fname, bonus_arg=None)[source]

Evaluate the model function fname with all required arguments

  • fname – Name of the model function to compute

  • bonus_arg – If fname takes a bonus argument, the data for it

  • numpy_out – If True, return (tuple of) numpy arrays, otherwise (tuple of) tensors.

  • data_tensor – Data tensor, columns as self.column_index If not given, use self.data (used in annotate)

  • ptensor – Parameter tensor, columns as self.param_id If not given, use defaults dictionary (used in annotate) Before using gimme, you must use set_data to populate the internal caches.

inner_dimensions: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of dimensions of hidden variables (e.g. produced electrons) for which domain computations and dimsize calculations are to be done

model_attributes = ()

Any additional source attributes that should be configurable.

model_functions: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of model functions


Return mean expected number of events BEFORE efficiencies/response using data for the evaluation of the energy spectra

mu_function(interpolation_method='star', n_trials=100000, progress=True, **param_specs)[source]

Return interpolator for number of expected events Parameters must be specified as kwarg=(start, stop, n_anchors)

n_batches = None

Number of event batches to use in differential rate computations

n_padding = None

Number of fake events that were padded to the final batch to make it match the batch size

no_step_dimensions: Tuple[str] = ()

inner_dimensions excluded from variable stepping logic, i.e. for which the domain is always a single interval of integers

print_config(format='table', column_widths=(40, 20), omit=())[source]

Print the defaults of all parameters (from Source.defaults), and of model functions that have been set to constants (from Source.f_dims)

  • format – ‘table’ to print a fixed-width table, ‘config’ to print as a configuration file

  • column_widths – 2-tuple of column widths to use for table format

  • omit – settings to omit from printout. Useful for format=’config’, since some things (like arrays and tensors) cannot be evaluated from their string representation.

random_truth(n_events, fix_truth=None, **params)[source]

Draw random “deep truth” variables (energy, position)


Discover which functions need which arguments / dimensions Discover possible parameters. Returns f_dims, f_params and defaults.

set_data(data=None, data_is_annotated=False, _skip_tf_init=False, _skip_bounds_computation=False, **params)[source]
set_defaults(*, config=None, **params)[source]
simulate(n_events, fix_truth=None, full_annotate=False, **params)[source]

Simulate n events.

Will omit events lost due to selection/detection efficiencies

special_model_functions: Tuple[str] = ()

Names of model functions that take an additional first argument (‘bonus arg’). This must be a subset of model_functions.


Compile the differential rate computation to a tensorflow graph

trace_difrate = True

Whether to trace (compile into a tensorflow graph) the differential rate computation


Return checked fix truth, with extra derived variables if needed

flamedisx.utils module

flamedisx.utils.beta_binom_pmf(x, n, p_mean, p_sigma)[source]

Return probability mass function of beta-binomial distribution.

That is, give the probability of obtaining x successes in n trials, if the success probability p is drawn from a beta distribution with mean p_mean and standard deviation p_sigma.

flamedisx.utils.beta_params(mean, sigma, force_valid=True)[source]

Convert (p_mean, p_sigma) to (alpha, beta) params of beta distribution


force_valid – If true, adjust values to give valid, stable, and unimodal beta distributions. See issues #36 and #83

flamedisx.utils.cart_to_pol(x, y)[source]

Export utility modified from https://stackoverflow.com/a/41895194 Returns export decorator, __all__ list

flamedisx.utils.index_lookup_dict(names, column_widths=None)[source]
Return dictionary mapping names to successive tensor indices

(tf.constant integers.)


column_widths – dictionary mapping names to column width. For columns with width > 1, the result contains a tensor slice.


Convert a numpy array of j2000 timestamps to event_times which are ns unix timestamps. This is the reverse of wimprates.j2000


Return dictionary of configuration options from (a) python file(s)

flamedisx.utils.lookup_axis1(x, indices, fill_value=0)[source]

Return values of x at indices along axis 1, returning fill_value for out-of-range indices.


Convert (list/tuple of) arrays x to tensorflow

flamedisx.utils.pol_to_cart(r, theta)[source]

Run command and show its output in STDOUT


Clip probabilities to be in [1e-5, 1 - 1e-5] NaNs are replaced by 1e-5.


Convert (list/tuple of) tensors x to numpy


Return dictionary with python/numpy values replaced by tf.constant


Return critical value from Wilks’ theorem for upper limits

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