Source code for flamedisx.likelihood

from copy import deepcopy
import warnings

import flamedisx as fd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import typing as ty

export, __all__ = fd.exporter()

o = tf.newaxis
DEFAULT_DSETNAME = 'the_dataset'

[docs]@export class LogLikelihood: param_defaults: ty.Dict[str, tf.Tensor] dsetnames: ty.List[str] # Dataset names sources: ty.Dict[str, fd.Source] # Source name -> Source instance # Track which source takes which dataset, and converse dset_for_source = ty.Dict[str, str] sources_in_dset = ty.Dict[str, str] # Tensor with batch info # First dimension runs over datasets (same indices as dsetnames) # Second dimension is (n_batches, batch_size, n_padding) batch_info: tf.Tensor dsetnames: ty.List # Concatenated data tensors for all sources in each dataset # dsetname -> Tensor data_tensors: ty.Dict[str, tf.Tensor] # Track which columns in the data tensor belong to which sources # dsetname -> [start, stop] array over sources column_indices: ty.Dict[str, np.ndarray] def __init__( self, sources: ty.Union[ ty.Dict[str, fd.Source.__class__], ty.Dict[str, ty.Dict[str, fd.Source.__class__]]], data: ty.Union[ None, pd.DataFrame, ty.Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]] = None, free_rates=None, batch_size=10, max_sigma=None, max_dim_size=120, n_trials=int(1e5), log_constraint=None, bounds_specified=True, progress=True, defaults=None, **common_param_specs): """ :param sources: Dictionary {datasetname : {sourcename: class,, ...}, ...} or just {sourcename: class} in case you have one dataset Every source name must be unique. :param data: Dictionary {datasetname: pd.DataFrame} or just pd.DataFrame if you have one dataset or None if you set data later. :param free_rates: names of sources whose rates are floating :param batch_size: Number of events to use for a computation batch. Higher numbers give better performance, especially for GPUs, at the cost of more memory :param max_sigma: Maximum sigma to use in bounds estimation. Higher numbers give better accuracy, at the cost of performance. If not specified, each source will use its own default. :param max_dim_size: Maximum bounds size for inner_dimensions, excluding no_step_dimensions :param n_trials: Number of Monte-Carlo trials for mu estimation. :param log_constraint: Logarithm of constraint to include in likelihood :param bounds_specified: If True (default), optimizers will be constrained within the specified parameter ranges. :param progress: Show progress bars during initialization :param defaults: dictionary of default parameter values to use for all sources. :param **common_param_specs: param_name = (min, max, anchors), ... """ param_defaults = dict() if defaults is None: defaults = dict() if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame) or data is None: # Only one dataset data = {DEFAULT_DSETNAME: data} if not isinstance(list(sources.values())[0], dict): sources: ty.Dict[str, ty.Dict[str, fd.Source.__class__]] = \ {DEFAULT_DSETNAME: sources} assert data.keys() == sources.keys(), "Inconsistent dataset names" self.dsetnames = list(data.keys()) # Flatten sources and fill data for source self.sources: ty.Dict[str, fd.Source.__class__] = dict() self.dset_for_source = dict() self.sources_in_dset = dict() for dsetname, ss in sources.items(): self.sources_in_dset[dsetname] = [] for sname, s in ss.items(): self.dset_for_source[sname] = dsetname self.sources_in_dset[dsetname].append(sname) if sname in self.sources: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate source name {sname}") self.sources[sname] = s del sources # so we don't use it by accident if free_rates is None: free_rates = tuple() if isinstance(free_rates, str): free_rates = (free_rates,) for sn in free_rates: if sn not in self.sources: raise ValueError(f"Can't free rate of unknown source {sn}") # The rate multiplier guesses will be improved after data is set param_defaults[sn + '_rate_multiplier'] = 1. # Create sources self.sources = { sname: sclass(data=None, max_sigma=max_sigma, max_dim_size=max_dim_size, # The source will filter out parameters it does not # take fit_params=list(k for k in common_param_specs.keys()), batch_size=batch_size, **defaults) for sname, sclass in self.sources.items()} for pname in common_param_specs: # Check defaults for common parameters are consistent between # sources defs = [s.defaults[pname] for s in self.sources.values() if pname in s.defaults] if not defs: raise ValueError(f"Invalid fit parameter {pname}: " f"no source takes it?") if len(set([x.numpy() for x in defs])) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Inconsistent defaults {defs} for common parameters") param_defaults[pname] = defs[0] self.param_defaults = fd.values_to_constants(param_defaults) self.param_names = list(param_defaults.keys()) if bounds_specified: self.default_bounds = { p_name: (start, stop) for p_name, (start, stop, n) in common_param_specs.items()} else: self.default_bounds = dict() self.mu_itps = { sname: s.mu_function( n_trials=n_trials, progress=progress, # Source will filter out the params it needs **common_param_specs) for sname, s in self.sources.items()} # Not used, but useful for mu smoothness diagnosis self.param_specs = common_param_specs # Add the constraint if log_constraint is None: def log_constraint(**kwargs): return 0. self.log_constraint = log_constraint self.set_data(data)
[docs] def set_data(self, data: ty.Union[pd.DataFrame, ty.Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]]): """set new data for sources in the likelihood. Data is passed in the same format as for __init__ Data can contain any subset of the original data keys to only update specific datasets. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): assert len(self.dsetnames) == 1, \ "You passed one DataFrame but there are multiple datasets" data = {DEFAULT_DSETNAME: data} is_none = [d is None for d in data.values()] if any(is_none): if not all(is_none): warnings.warn("Cannot set only one dataset to None: " "setting all to None instead.", UserWarning) for s in self.sources.values(): s.set_data(None) return batch_info = np.zeros((len(self.dsetnames), 3), for sname, source in self.sources.items(): dname = self.dset_for_source[sname] if dname not in data: warnings.warn(f"Dataset {dname} not provided in set_data") continue # Copy ensures annotations don't clobber source.set_data(deepcopy(data[dname])) # Update batch info dset_index = self.dsetnames.index(dname) batch_info[dset_index, :] = [ source.n_batches, source.batch_size, source.n_padding] # Choose sensible default rate multiplier guesses: # (1) Assume each free source produces just 1 event for sname in self.sources: if self.dset_for_source[sname] not in data: # This dataset is not being updated, skip continue rmname = sname + '_rate_multiplier' if rmname in self.param_names: n_expected = assert n_expected >= 0 self.param_defaults[rmname] = ( self.param_defaults[rmname] / n_expected) # (2) If we still saw more events than expected, assume the # first free source is responsible for all of this. for dname, _data in data.items(): n_observed = len(_data) n_expected = assert n_expected > 0 if n_observed <= n_expected: continue for sname in self.sources_in_dset[dname]: rmname = sname + '_rate_multiplier' if rmname in self.param_names: # Rate multiplier is set to value that produces # one event, so we just have to multiply it: self.param_defaults[rmname] *= 1 + n_observed - n_expected break self.batch_info = tf.convert_to_tensor(batch_info, dtype=fd.int_type()) # Build a big data tensor for each dataset. # Each source has an [n_batches, batch_size, n_columns] tensor. # Since the number of columns are different, we must concat along # axis=2 and track which indices belong to which source. self.data_tensors = { dsetname: tf.concat( [self.sources[sname].data_tensor for sname in self.sources_in_dset[dsetname]], axis=2) for dsetname in self.dsetnames} self.column_indices = dict() for dsetname in self.dsetnames: # Do not use len(cols_to_cache), some sources have extra columns... stop_idx = np.cumsum([self.sources[sname].data_tensor.shape[2] for sname in self.sources_in_dset[dsetname]]) self.column_indices[dsetname] = np.transpose([ np.concatenate([[0], stop_idx[:-1]]), stop_idx])
[docs] def simulate(self, fix_truth=None, **params): """Simulate events from sources. """ params = self.prepare_params(params, free_all_rates=True) # Collect Source event DFs in ds ds = [] for sname, s in self.sources.items(): # mean number of events to simulate, rate mult times mu before # efficiencies, the simulator deals with the efficiencies rm = self._get_rate_mult(sname, params) mu = rm * s.mu_before_efficiencies( **self._filter_source_kwargs(params, sname)) # Simulate this many events from source n_to_sim = np.random.poisson(mu) if n_to_sim == 0: continue d = s.simulate(n_to_sim, fix_truth=fix_truth, **self._filter_source_kwargs(params, sname)) # If events were simulated add them to the list if len(d) > 0: # Keep track of what source simulated which events d['source'] = sname ds.append(d) # Concatenate results and shuffle them. # Adding empty DataFrame ensures pd.concat doesn't fail if # n_to_sim is 0 for all sources or all sources return 0 events ds = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame()] + ds, sort=False) return ds.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)
def __call__(self, **kwargs): assert 'second_order' not in kwargs, 'Roep gewoon log_likelihood aan' return self.log_likelihood(second_order=False, **kwargs)[0]
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, second_order=False, omit_grads=tuple(), **kwargs): params = self.prepare_params(kwargs) n_grads = len(self.param_defaults) - len(omit_grads) ll = 0. llgrad = np.zeros(n_grads, dtype=np.float64) llgrad2 = np.zeros((n_grads, n_grads), dtype=np.float64) for dsetname in self.dsetnames: # Getting this from the batch_info tensor is much slower n_batches = self.sources[self.sources_in_dset[dsetname][0]].n_batches for i_batch in range(n_batches): # Iterating over tf.range seems much slower! results = self._log_likelihood( tf.constant(i_batch, dtype=fd.int_type()), dsetname=dsetname, data_tensor=self.data_tensors[dsetname][i_batch], batch_info=self.batch_info, omit_grads=omit_grads, second_order=second_order, **params) ll += results[0].numpy().astype(np.float64) if self.param_names: llgrad += results[1].numpy().astype(np.float64) if second_order: llgrad2 += results[2].numpy().astype(np.float64) if second_order: return ll, llgrad, llgrad2 return ll, llgrad, None
[docs] def minus2_ll(self, *, omit_grads=tuple(), **kwargs): result = self.log_likelihood(omit_grads=omit_grads, **kwargs) ll, grad = result[:2] hess = -2 * result[2] if result[2] is not None else None return -2 * ll, -2 * grad, hess
[docs] def prepare_params(self, kwargs, free_all_rates=False): for k in kwargs: if k not in self.param_defaults: if k.endswith('_rate_multiplier') and free_all_rates: continue raise ValueError(f"Unknown parameter {k}") return {**self.param_defaults, **fd.values_to_constants(kwargs)}
[docs] def _get_rate_mult(self, sname, kwargs): rmname = sname + '_rate_multiplier' if rmname in self.param_names: return kwargs.get(rmname, self.param_defaults[rmname]) return tf.constant(1., dtype=fd.float_type())
[docs] def _source_kwargnames(self, source_name): """Return parameter names that apply to source""" return [pname for pname in self.param_names if not pname.endswith('_rate_multiplier') and pname in self.sources[source_name].defaults]
[docs] def _filter_source_kwargs(self, kwargs, source_name): """Return {param: value} dictionary with keyword arguments for source, with values extracted from kwargs""" return {pname: kwargs[pname] for pname in self._source_kwargnames(source_name)}
[docs] def _param_i(self, pname): """Return index of parameter pname""" return self.param_names.index(pname)
[docs] def mu(self, *, source_name=None, dataset_name=None, **kwargs): """Return expected number of events :param dataset_name: ... for just this dataset :param source_name: ... for just this source. You must provide either dsetname or source, since it makes no sense to add events from multiple datasets """ kwargs = {**self.param_defaults, **kwargs} if dataset_name is None and source_name is None: raise ValueError("Provide either source or dataset name") mu = tf.constant(0., dtype=fd.float_type()) for sname, s in self.sources.items(): if (dataset_name is not None and self.dset_for_source[sname] != dataset_name): continue if source_name is not None and sname != source_name: continue mu += (self._get_rate_mult(sname, kwargs) * self.mu_itps[sname](**self._filter_source_kwargs(kwargs, sname))) return mu
[docs] @tf.function def _log_likelihood(self, i_batch, dsetname, data_tensor, batch_info, omit_grads=tuple(), second_order=False, **params): # Stack the params to create a single node # to differentiate with respect to. grad_par_stack = tf.stack([ params[k] for k in self.param_names if k not in omit_grads]) # Retrieve individual params from the stacked node, # then add back the params we do not differentiate w.r.t. params_unstacked = dict(zip( [x for x in self.param_names if x not in omit_grads], tf.unstack(grad_par_stack))) for k in omit_grads: params_unstacked[k] = params[k] # Forward computation ll = self._log_likelihood_inner( i_batch, params_unstacked, dsetname, data_tensor, batch_info) # Autodifferentiation. This is why we use tensorflow: grad = tf.gradients(ll, grad_par_stack)[0] if second_order: return ll, grad, tf.hessians(ll, grad_par_stack)[0] return ll, grad, None
[docs] def _log_likelihood_inner(self, i_batch, params, dsetname, data_tensor, batch_info): """Return log likelihood contribution of one batch in a dataset This loops over sources in the dataset and events in the batch, but not not over datasets or batches. """ # Retrieve batching info. Cannot use tuple-unpacking, tensorflow # doesn't like it when you iterate over tenstors dataset_index = self.dsetnames.index(dsetname) n_batches = batch_info[dataset_index, 0] batch_size = batch_info[dataset_index, 1] n_padding = batch_info[dataset_index, 2] # Compute differential rates from all sources # drs = list[n_sources] of [n_events] tensors drs = tf.zeros((batch_size,), dtype=fd.float_type()) for source_i, sname in enumerate(self.sources_in_dset[dsetname]): s = self.sources[sname] rate_mult = self._get_rate_mult(sname, params) col_start, col_stop = self.column_indices[dsetname][source_i] dr = s.differential_rate( data_tensor[:, col_start:col_stop], # We are already tracing; if we call the traced function here # it breaks the Hessian (it will give NaNs) autograph=False, **self._filter_source_kwargs(params, sname)) drs += dr * rate_mult # Sum over events and remove padding n = tf.where(tf.equal(i_batch, n_batches - 1), batch_size - n_padding, batch_size) ll = tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(drs[:n])) # Add mu once (to the first batch) # and constraint really only once (to first batch of first dataset) ll += tf.where(tf.equal(i_batch, tf.constant(0, dtype=fd.int_type())), -, **params) + (self.log_constraint(**params) if dsetname == self.dsetnames[0] else 0.), 0.) return ll
[docs] def guess(self) -> ty.Dict[str, float]: """Return dictionary of parameter guesses""" return {k: v.numpy() for k, v in self.param_defaults.items()}
[docs] def params_to_dict(self, values): """Return parameter {name: value} dictionary""" return {k: v for k, v in zip(self.param_names, tf.unstack(values))}
[docs] def bestfit(self, guess=None, fix=None, bounds=None, optimizer='scipy', get_lowlevel_result=False, get_history=False, use_hessian=True, return_errors=False, nan_val=float('inf'), optimizer_kwargs=None, allow_failure=False): """Return best-fit parameter dict :param guess: Guess parameters: dict {param: guess} of guesses to use. Any omitted parameters will be guessed at LogLikelihood.defaults() :param fix: dict {param: value} of parameters to keep fixed during the minimzation. :param optimizer: 'tf', 'minuit' or 'scipy' :param get_lowlevel_result: Returns the full optimizer result instead of the best fit parameters. Bool. :param get_history: Returns the history of optimizer calls instead of the best fit parameters. Bool. :param use_hessian: If True, uses flamedisxs' exact Hessian in the optimizer. Otherwise, most optimizers estimate it by finite- difference calculations. :param return_errors: If using the minuit minimizer, instead return a 2-tuple of (bestfit dict, error dict). If the optimizer is minuit, you can also pass 'hesse' or 'minos'. :param allow_failure: If True, raise a warning instead of an exception if there is an optimizer failure. """ if bounds is None: bounds = dict() if guess is None: guess = dict() if not isinstance(guess, dict): raise ValueError("Must specify bestfit guess as a dictionary") # Check the likelihood has a finite value and gradient before starting val, grad, hess = self.log_likelihood(**guess, second_order=use_hessian) if not np.isfinite(val): raise ValueError("The likelihood is - infinity at your guess, " "please guess better, remove outlier events, or " "add a fallback background model.") if not np.all(np.isfinite(grad)): raise ValueError("The likelihood is finite at your guess, " "but the gradient is not. Are you starting at a " "cusp?") if use_hessian: if hess is None: raise RuntimeError("Likelihood did't provide Hessian!") if not np.all(np.isfinite(hess)): raise ValueError("The likelihood and gradient are finite at " "your guess, but the Hessian is not. " "Are you starting at an unusual point? " "You could also try use_hessian=False.") opt = fd.SUPPORTED_OPTIMIZERS[optimizer] res = opt( lf=self, guess={**self.guess(), **guess}, fix=fix, bounds={**self.default_bounds, **bounds}, nan_val=nan_val, get_lowlevel_result=get_lowlevel_result, get_history=get_history, use_hessian=use_hessian, return_errors=return_errors, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, allow_failure=allow_failure, ).minimize() if get_lowlevel_result or get_history: return res # TODO: This is to deal with a minuit-specific convention, # should either put this to minuit or force others into same mold. names = self.param_names result, errors = ( {k: v for k, v in res.items() if k in names}, {k: v for k, v in res.items() if k.startswith('error_')}) if return_errors: # Filter out errors and return separately return result, errors return result
[docs] def interval(self, parameter, **kwargs): """Return central confidence interval on parameter. Options are the same as for limit.""" kwargs.setdefault('kind', 'central') return self.limit(parameter, **kwargs)
[docs] def limit( self, parameter, bestfit=None, guess=None, fix=None, bounds=None, confidence_level=0.9, kind='upper', sigma_guess=None, t_ppf=None, t_ppf_grad=None, t_ppf_hess=None, optimizer='scipy', get_history=False, get_lowlevel_result=False, # Set so 90% CL intervals actually report ~90.25% intervals # asymptotically due to the tilt... if a pen-and-paper computation # Jelle did a long time ago is actually correct tilt_overshoot=0.037, optimizer_kwargs=None, use_hessian=True, allow_failure=False, ): """Return frequentist limit or confidence interval. Returns a float (for upper or lower limits) or a 2-tuple of floats (for a central interval) :param parameter: string, the parameter to set the interval on :param bestfit: {parameter: value} dictionary, global best-fit. If omitted, will compute it using bestfit. :param guess: {param: value} guess of the result, or None. If omitted, nuisance parameters will be guessed equal to bestfit. If omitted, guess for target parameters will be based on asymptotic parabolic computation. :param fix: {param: value} to fix during interval computation. Result is only valid if same parameters were fixed for bestfit. :param confidence_level: Requried confidence level of the interval :param kind: Type of interval, 'upper', 'lower' or 'central' :param sigma_guess: Guess for one sigma uncertainty on the target parameter. If not provided, will be computed from Hessian. :param t_ppf: returns critical value as function of parameter Use Wilks' theorem if omitted. :param t_ppf_grad: return derivative of t_ppf :param t_ppf_hess: return second derivative of t_ppf :param tilt_overshoot: Set tilt so the limit's log likelihood will overshoot the target value by roughly this much. :param optimizer_kwargs: dict of additional arguments for optimizer :param allow_failure: If True, raise a warning instead of an exception if there is an optimizer failure. :param use_hessian: If True, uses flamedisxs' exact Hessian in the optimizer. Otherwise, most optimizers estimate it by finite- difference calculations. """ if optimizer_kwargs is None: optimizer_kwargs = dict() if bounds is None: bounds = dict() if bestfit is None: # Determine global bestfit if optimizer == 'nlin': # This optimizer is only for interval setting. # Use scipy to get best-fit first bestfit = self.bestfit(fix=fix, optimizer='scipy') else: bestfit = self.bestfit(fix=fix, optimizer=optimizer) lower_bound = None if parameter.endswith('rate_multiplier'): lower_bound = fd.LOWER_RATE_MULTIPLIER_BOUND # Set (bound, critical_quantile) for the desired kind of limit if kind == 'upper': requested_limits = [ dict(bound=(bestfit[parameter], None), crit=confidence_level, direction=1, guess=guess)] elif kind == 'lower': requested_limits = [ dict(bound=(lower_bound, bestfit[parameter]), crit=1 - confidence_level, direction=-1, guess=guess)] elif kind == 'central': if guess is None: guess = (None, None) elif not isinstance(guess, tuple) or not len(guess) == 2: raise ValueError("Guess for central interval must be a 2-tuple") requested_limits = [ dict(bound=(lower_bound, bestfit[parameter]), crit=(1 - confidence_level) / 2, direction=-1, guess=guess[0]), dict(bound=(bestfit[parameter], None), direction=+1, crit=1 - (1 - confidence_level) / 2, guess=guess[1])] else: raise ValueError(f"kind must be upper/lower/central but is {kind}") result = [] for req in requested_limits: opt = fd.SUPPORTED_INTERVAL_OPTIMIZERS[optimizer] res = opt( # To generic objective lf=self, guess=req['guess'], fix=fix, bounds={ **self.default_bounds, parameter: req['bound'], **bounds}, # TODO: nan_val get_lowlevel_result=get_lowlevel_result, get_history=get_history, use_hessian=use_hessian, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, allow_failure=allow_failure, # To IntervalObjective target_parameter=parameter, bestfit=bestfit, direction=req['direction'], critical_quantile=req['crit'], tilt_overshoot=tilt_overshoot, sigma_guess=sigma_guess, t_ppf=t_ppf, t_ppf_grad=t_ppf_grad, t_ppf_hess=t_ppf_hess, ).minimize() if get_lowlevel_result or get_history: result.append(res) else: result.append(res[parameter]) if len(result) == 1: return result[0] return result
[docs] def inverse_hessian(self, params, omit_grads=tuple()): """Return inverse hessian (square tensor) of -2 log_likelihood at params """ # Also Tensorflow has tf.hessians, but: # # Get second order derivatives of likelihood at params _, _, grad2_ll = self.log_likelihood(**params, omit_grads=omit_grads, second_order=True) return np.linalg.inv(-2 * grad2_ll)
[docs] def summary(self, bestfit=None, fix=None, guess=None, inverse_hessian=None, precision=3): """Print summary information about best fit""" if fix is None: fix = dict() if bestfit is None: bestfit = self.bestfit(guess=guess, fix=fix) params = {**bestfit, **fix} if inverse_hessian is None: inverse_hessian = self.inverse_hessian( params, omit_grads=tuple(fix.keys())) stderr, cov = cov_to_std(inverse_hessian) var_par_i = 0 for i, pname in enumerate(self.param_names): if pname in fix: print("{pname}: {x:.{precision}g} (fixed)".format( pname=pname, x=fix[pname], precision=precision)) else: template = "{pname}: {x:.{precision}g} +- {xerr:.{precision}g}" print(template.format( pname=pname, x=bestfit[pname], xerr=stderr[var_par_i], precision=precision)) var_par_i += 1 var_pars = [x for x in self.param_names if x not in fix] df = pd.DataFrame( {p1: {p2: cov[i1, i2] for i2, p2 in enumerate(var_pars)} for i1, p1 in enumerate(var_pars)}, columns=var_pars) # Get rows in the correct order df['index'] = [var_pars.index(x) for x in df.index.values] df = df.sort_values(by='index') del df['index'] print("Correlation matrix:") pd.set_option('precision', 3) print(df) pd.reset_option('precision')
[docs]@export def cov_to_std(cov): """Return (std errors, correlation coefficent matrix) given covariance matrix cov """ std_errs = np.diag(cov) ** 0.5 corr = cov * np.outer(1 / std_errs, 1 / std_errs) return std_errs, corr