Customizing the flamedisx model

Common customization

The flamedisx tutorial describes the most common case: customizations by changing a model function.

For example, if you want to change a source’s energy spectrum, yield functions, detector response functions, etc., you can do that without knowing anything about the advanced topics described later in this page.

Using additional columns/dimensions

Your models might use extra columns from the data besides s1, s2, and event times and positions. Often these are derived quantities, like corrected s1 or s2, used for cuts or response functions.

As explained in the tutorial, flamedisx automatically determines which columns it needs from the dataframe of events, by inspecting your model functions.

However, you have to tell flamedisx how to (re)produce the values for any new columns you use, by writing an add_extra_columns() method for your Source. This modifies a dataframe in-place to add any required extra columns. It is called whenever new data, simulated or real, is set to the source (unless the user passes is_annotated=True to set_data(), or data_is_annotated=False to a Source when it is initialized with data).

This is required because flamedisx has to be able to simulate data. Likelihoods need to simulate events to estimate the total expected number of events (“mu”). Unless you customize the simulation code, simulated data will not magically have values for special columns you use in the model.

If your model depends on columns whose values cannot be deterministically derived from basic quantities, e.g. a per-event noise level, you can either:

  • Write add_extra_columns() so that it draws simulated values only if the column is absent from the dataframe. This avoids overwriting values in real data, or re-scrambling values in simulated data;

  • Customize the simulation code to also produce the required column – see ‘Advanced Customization’ below.

In rare cases, you might want to add columns to flamedisx’s internal tensors which it does not actually need, e.g. for debugging purposes. The easiest way to do this is to add extra, unused, arguments to any model function you like.

(If for some reason you don’t want to do this, you could also use the extra_needed_columns() method to force flamedisx to include columns in its tensor representation. This is mostly a relic from older flamedisx days, and may be removed in the future.)

Advanced customization

Sometimes, you need to apply customizations that go beyond overriding a source’s model functions. For example, suppose you want to change the distribution of S2 areas to a skewed Gaussian, or add an additional smearing at some stage in the process.

However, some changes look like they require fundamental changes, but actually do not. For example:

  • Two binomial efficiencies following each other are mathematically identical to using a binomial with p = p1 * p2;

  • A binomial efficiency following a Poisson smearing is equivalent to changing the Poisson mean to mu = mu_orig * p;

  • Two Gaussian smearings following each other are equivalent to one, with the variance added in quadrature s^2 = s1^2 + s2^2.

If you are looking to add a non-parametric/non-physical background source – e.g. for accidental coincidences, anomalous backgrounds, etc – look at the ColumnSource instead. This is a simple model that does not use the block structure.

The rest of this page describes how to change the core structure of the flamedisx model. To do this, you first need to know a bit about how it works behind the scenes.


Flamedisx’s sources are built from units called blocks. Each block takes care of one step in the computation, such as converting energies to generated quanta, or converting electrons to S2. A block brings all aspects of that computation together: deterministic PDF computation, random simulation, and hidden variable bound estimation.

Each block is represented by a Block class, which has three main methods:

  • _compute() is a block’s main method. This returns a factor in the deterministic differential rate computation; for example, the probability of seeing the observed S2 for a range of possible number of detected electrons. _compute() gets several arguments:

    • data_tensor and ptensor: don’t worry about these, just pass them to gimme when you call model functions – see Model functions below.

    • Keyword arguments with the (cross-)domains of the block – see Block dimensions below.

    • For blocks with dependencies, keyword arguments of the dependency’s domain and result – see Block dependencies below.

  • The _simulate() method performs a Monte Carlo simulation of the block’s process. For example, drawing one possible S2 integral value, given a simulated event of a certain number of detected electrons.

    • Simulated events have a special p_accepted column, starting out at 1.0 for each event. Blocks can multiply this with probabilities for passing various selections. At the end of the simulation, a random number will be drawn to determine whether each event actually passes the selections.

  • The _annotate() method estimates bounds for hidden variables used in the _compute. For example, it determines a plausible range of detected electrons given the observed S2.

Think of _simulate as going in the physical/causal direction, _annotate as going backwards, and _compute as a (usually) direction-independent description of the process.

Most blocks in a source can be computed independently of the other blocks. The results of different blocks are matrix-multiplied together, representing convolution over hidden variables (such as number of produced electrons).

A few blocks instead directly take the result of another block and turn it into something else in the compute step. For example, MakeNRQuanta takes in an energy spectrum and converts it into a spectrum vs. number of produced quanta in the nuclear recoil process.

Using blocks to build a Source

This is the easy part: inherit from BlockModelSource and specify the blocks you use in the model_blocks tuple. Flamedisx’ ERSource and NRSource are both examples of this.

The source will operate as follows:
  • When computing differential rates, we run a tensorflow graph that includes the _compute of all the blocks. If a block has dependencies, it’s compute will of course be later in the graph than that of its dependents.

  • During simulation, we run _simulate of the blocks in the order you specified in model_blocks, starting with the first block. This is usually the block that creates the energy spectrum.

  • When setting data (e.g. when you create the source), we run _annotate of the blocks in reverse order. This way, you can first estimate hidden variables close to observables, then use those estimates for guessing deeper hidden variables. For example, you can use the estimated number of detected electrons to estimate the number of produced electrons.

Besides the main three methods, blocks usually specify additional attributes that describe their behavior to the source.

Block dimensions

The dimensions tuple names the dimensions of the _compute output. Without this we wouldn’t know how to combine the results of blocks. The batch/event dimension is not named.

_compute will get a keyword argument for each of the dimensions you list here, containing a tensor with all possible values (the domain) of the dimension. If your block has two dimensions, each will be a 2d tensor; see cross_domains().

For example:
  • For FixedShapeEnergySpectrum, this is (‘deposited_energy’,), since _compute outputs a one-dimensional array per event, the differential rate as a function of deposited energy.

  • For MakePhotonsElectronsBinomial, this is (‘electrons_produced’, ‘photons_produced’), since it outputs a two-dimensional array per event, the differential rate as a function of the produced number of photons and electrons.

Model functions

The model_functions and special_model_functions attributes list Block methods that should become part of the Source. Users can override these in their custom sources without having to worry about which block provided which function.

As an example, the MakeNRQuanta block exposes a lindhard_l() model function that parametrizes the Lindhard process (nuclear recoil energy losses as heat) as a function of energy. Sources using this block can define a new lindhard_l method to override this. The modelling sections of the tutorial illustrate model function overriding in detail.

You can find string-tuples of all regular and special model functions for a source in the .model_functions attribute. (Special model functions are also listed here, and separately in .special_model_functions.)

As illustrated in the tutorial, positional arguments to model functions represent columns from the data, and keyword arguments represent parameters for which users can change the defaults and float in their fits.

Never call a model function directly from your block’s code! Instead, call model functions as follows:
  • In _compute, call self.gimme(‘your_model_function’, data_tensor=data_tensor, ptensor=ptensor).

  • In _simulate and _annotate, call self.gimme_numpy(‘your_model_function’).

This takes care of several things:
  • Positional arguments are filled in with columns from the data;

  • Keyword arguments are filled in with inference parameters.

  • For gimme_numpy, you will get back a numpy array (rather than a TensorFlow tensor).

special_model_functions take an extra positional argument when they are called. It’s up to you what this represents; usually this is used to pass hidden variables. The extra argument (called bonus_arg in flamedisx code) is passed as the first argument after self.

If a model function is ‘special’ in this way, you must list it in both model_functions and special_model_functions

Model attributes

model_attributes is a tuple of strings of Block attributes that should become part of the source. Just like model functions, users can override these attributes in custom sources.

For example, the FixedShapeEnergySpectrum block has the energies and rates_vs_energy attributes to specify the the source’s discretized energy spectrum. The ERSource and NRSource both use this block, so you can write:

import flamedisx as fd
import tensorflow as tf

class MySource(fd.ERSource):
    """Flat ER spectrum from 0 to 5 keV"""
    energies = tf.linspace(0., 5., 100, dtype=fd.float_type())
    rate_vs_energy = tf.ones(100, dtype=fd.float_type())

to change the energy spectrum. This is simply another form of ‘common customization’, just like the more common model function overriding.

Behind the scenes, any attempt to get or set a Block’s model attribute or model function will be redirected to the Source to which the block belongs. So you can safely do self.some_attribute rather than self.source_some_attribute; these are equivalent.

Block dependencies

In some cases you can only compute a block once you know the full result of another block. If so, specify this block in the depends_on tuple.

For example, depends_on = (((‘quanta_produced’,), ‘rate_vs_quanta’),) means the block needs the result of some block with dimensions = (‘quanta_produced’,). Depending on the source, this could be provided by MakeNRQuanta or MakeERQuanta.

The dependency result and its domain (i.e. the x-values corresponding to the y-values the block returned) will be passed to _compute as extra arguments. In the above example, _compute will get quanta_produced and rate_vs_quanta as extra arguments. The former is the domain, the latter the result.

Block initialization / setup

Define a setup method if you want to do something when the block is initialized. You can:

  • Use your block’s attributes and functions. They will already have been overriden with user-specified source attributes / functions.

  • Change attributes, or even specifications such as array_columns. This can be useful if you want to determine the width of an array column from another attribute.

You can not:

  • Use self.source and expect its attributes to already reflect their final states. The source is only fully functional after the block setup phase.

Frozen functions and array columns

To be written – see WIMPsource for an example in the meantime.

The first block of a source

This is usually the block specifying the energy spectrum. It is special in several ways.

Some restrictions are relaxed:
  • It does not have a _simulate method.

  • _annotate can (but does not have to) be omitted. There is no need to estimate bounds for its dimension (deposited energy), as the block returns the full energy spectrum for each event.

Other restrictions are added:
  • You must inherit from FirstBlock, rather than Block

  • It must specify a domain method, returning a dictionary mapping its dimension (e.g. deposited_energy) to the range of values for which _compute returns results.

  • It must implement a random_truth method, taking n_events and a parameter dictionary, returning a dataframe with a number of simulated events.

  • It must implement a mu_before_efficiencies method, taking a parameter dictionary and returning the number of expected events directly from the spectrum (i.e. before any efficiencies) given these parameters.

  • It must specify a validate_fix_truth method, taking and returning a fixed truth specification.

See FixedShapeEnergySpectrum for an example and more details.