Source code for flamedisx.utils

from pathlib import Path
import subprocess

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import tensorflow as tf

lgamma = tf.math.lgamma
o = tf.newaxis
FLOAT_TYPE = tf.float32
INT_TYPE = tf.int32

# Extreme mean and standard deviations give numerical errors
# in the beta-binomial.
MAX_MEAN_P = 0.95            # issue #36
MIN_FLUCTUATION_P = 0.005    # issue #36
MIN_MEAN_P = 0.011           # issue #83. Adjust if changing MIN_FLUCTUATION_P!
# The MAX_FLUCTUATION_P depends on the mean, see issue #83.

[docs]def exporter(): """Export utility modified from Returns export decorator, __all__ list """ all_ = [] def decorator(obj): all_.append(obj.__name__) return obj return decorator, all_
export, __all__ = exporter() __all__.extend([ 'float_type', 'exporter', 'MIN_FLUCTUATION_P', 'MAX_MEAN_P'])
[docs]@export def float_type(): return FLOAT_TYPE
[docs]@export def int_type(): return INT_TYPE
[docs]@export def lookup_axis1(x, indices, fill_value=0): """Return values of x at indices along axis 1, returning fill_value for out-of-range indices. """ # Save shape of x and flatten ind_shape = tf.shape(indices) a = tf.shape(x)[0] b = tf.shape(x)[1] x = tf.reshape(x, [-1]) legal_index = tf.cast(indices, dtype=int_type()) < b # Convert indices to legal indices in flat array indices = tf.clip_by_value(indices, 0., tf.cast(b, dtype=float_type())-1.) indices = indices + tf.cast(b, dtype=float_type()) * \ tf.range(a, dtype=float_type())[:, o, o] indices = tf.reshape(indices, shape=(-1,)) indices = tf.dtypes.cast(indices, dtype=int_type()) # Do indexing result = tf.reshape(tf.gather(x, indices), shape=ind_shape) # Replace illegal indices with fill_value, cast to float explicitly return tf.cast(tf.where(legal_index, result, tf.zeros_like(result) + fill_value), dtype=float_type())
[docs]@export def tf_to_np(x): """Convert (list/tuple of) tensors x to numpy""" if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return tuple([tf_to_np(y) for y in x]) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return x return x.numpy()
[docs]@export def np_to_tf(x): """Convert (list/tuple of) arrays x to tensorflow""" if isinstance(x, pd.Series): x = x.values elif isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("Cannot convert pd.DataFrame's to tensors!") elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return tuple([np_to_tf(y) for y in x]) elif isinstance(x, tf.Tensor): return x return tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=float_type())
[docs]@export def cart_to_pol(x, y): return (x**2 + y**2)**0.5, np.arctan2(y, x)
[docs]@export def pol_to_cart(r, theta): return r * np.cos(theta), r * np.sin(theta)
[docs]@export def tf_log10(x): return tf.math.log(x) / tf.math.log(tf.constant(10, dtype=x.dtype))
[docs]@export def safe_p(ps): """Clip probabilities to be in [1e-5, 1 - 1e-5] NaNs are replaced by 1e-5. """ ps = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(ps), tf.zeros_like(ps, dtype=float_type()), tf.cast(ps, dtype=float_type())) ps = tf.clip_by_value(ps, 1e-5, 1 - 1e-5) return ps
[docs]@export def beta_params(mean, sigma, force_valid=True): """Convert (p_mean, p_sigma) to (alpha, beta) params of beta distribution :param force_valid: If true, adjust values to give valid, stable, and unimodal beta distributions. See issues #36 and #83 """ m, v = mean, sigma ** 2 m, v = np_to_tf(m), np_to_tf(v) # We're called from numpy sometimes if force_valid: m = tf.clip_by_value(m, MIN_MEAN_P, MAX_MEAN_P) max_v = tf.maximum( (m-1)**2 * m / (2-m), m**2 * (1-m)/(1+m)) v = tf.clip_by_value(v, MIN_FLUCTUATION_P**2, max_v) a = m * (m/v - m**2/v - 1.) b = a * (1/m - 1) return a, b
[docs]@export def beta_binom_pmf(x, n, p_mean, p_sigma): """Return probability mass function of beta-binomial distribution. That is, give the probability of obtaining x successes in n trials, if the success probability p is drawn from a beta distribution with mean p_mean and standard deviation p_sigma. """ a, b = beta_params(p_mean, p_sigma) res = tf.exp( lgamma(n + 1.) + lgamma(x + a) + lgamma(n - x + b) + lgamma(a + b) - (lgamma(x + 1.) + lgamma(n - x + 1.) + lgamma(a) + lgamma(b) + lgamma(n + a + b))) return tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(res), res, tf.zeros_like(res, dtype=float_type()))
[docs]@export def is_numpy_number(x): try: return (np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.integer) or np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.floating)) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return False
[docs]@export def symmetrize_matrix(x): upper = tf.linalg.band_part(x, 0, -1) diag = tf.linalg.band_part(x, 0, 0) return (upper - diag) + tf.transpose(upper)
[docs]@export def j2000_to_event_time(dates): """Convert a numpy array of j2000 timestamps to event_times which are ns unix timestamps. This is the reverse of wimprates.j2000 """ zero = pd.to_datetime('2000-01-01T12:00') nanoseconds_per_day = 1e9 * 3600 * 24 return nanoseconds_per_day * dates + zero.value
[docs]@export def index_lookup_dict(names, column_widths=None): """Return dictionary mapping names to successive tensor indices (tf.constant integers.) :param column_widths: dictionary mapping names to column width. For columns with width > 1, the result contains a tensor slice. """ names = list(names) if column_widths is None: column_widths = dict() result = dict() i = 0 while names: name = names.pop(0) width = column_widths.get(name, 1) if width == 1: result[name] = tf.constant(i, dtype=int_type()) else: result[name] = slice(tf.constant(i, dtype=int_type()), tf.constant(i + width, dtype=int_type())) i += width return result
[docs]@export def values_to_constants(kwargs): """Return dictionary with python/numpy values replaced by tf.constant""" for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, (float, int)) or is_numpy_number(v): kwargs[k] = tf.constant(v, dtype=float_type()) return kwargs
[docs]@export def wilks_crit(confidence_level): """Return critical value from Wilks' theorem for upper limits""" return stats.norm.ppf(confidence_level) ** 2
[docs]@export def run_command(command): """Run command and show its output in STDOUT""" # Is there no easier way?? with subprocess.Popen( command.split(), bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) as p: for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''): print(line.rstrip())
[docs]@export def load_config(config_files=None): """Return dictionary of configuration options from (a) python file(s)""" if config_files is None: return {} if isinstance(config_files, str): # Support one or multiple files config_files = (config_files,) config = dict() for filename in config_files: if not filename.endswith('.py'): # This is (hopefully) a named config shipped with flamedisx filename = Path(__file__).parent / 'configs' / (filename + '.py') # Adapted from with open(filename) as f: code = compile(, filename, 'exec') captured_locals = dict() exec(code, globals(), captured_locals) config.update({ k: v for k, v in captured_locals.items() if not k.startswith('_')}) return config